West Side Narragansett Bay Master Plan, Davisville, Rhode Island

The Project:  Prepare a Master Plan for the future construction and development on two naval bases: U.S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Center (NMCBC), Davisville and U.S. Naval Air Station (NAS), Quonset Point, Rhode Island.  Master Planning is an integral part of am ongoing Military Construction Program which looks at a 5-year moving window.  The program includes the maintenance, repair asnd retrofitting of existing facilities as well as the programming and construction of new facilities to accommodate tenant activities as they are reorganized, expanded, downsized, relocated, and/or phased out completely.  Each program element has changing space needs and service requirements.  NMCBC and NAS were fully operational, contiguous military communities with interdependent infrastructure comparable to a small town with a daytime population of 10,000.

The Challenge:  The NMCBC Public Works Department was tasked with preparing the master plan for over 30 tenant commands, each with its own mission, chain of command, and funding.  The planning process involved documenting existing facilities and conditions, identifying space needs and service requirements of each activity, responding to technological change and changing internal needs, working with existing resources, and budget limits, and the adaptive re-use of existing facilities.

The Solution: The NAS/NMCBC Master Plan Team was responsible for interviewing representatives of each “command”; inventorying existing space use/occupancy of facilities, determining physical requirements and deficiencies of existing facilities, preparing a construction program, budget and schedule to meet requirements and/or remove deficiencies, and report findings and recommendations annually to the District Planning Office.