Frequently Asked Questions
Who are we?
William Howard Wittausch, Architect / Civil Engineer is a full service, CAD-based professional design firm with offices in Santa Barbara and Santa Ynez, California, and with internet access that allows us to work with clients and consultants anywhere in the world. Howard is a California licensed architect and civil engineer with more than 40 years’ experience in private practice and his firm has completed more than 300 projects in the Central and South Coast.
What do we do?
Architectural planning, programming and building design. Civil Engineering in connection with site utilities, grading and drainage.Structural engineering design and consulting services on smaller projects. Building inspections, structural evaluations, and feasibility studies. Consulting in connection with space planning, tenant improvements, new construction, expansion of facilities, and adaptive reuse. Forensic consulting in connection with construction defects litigation. Inspection services for the California State Office of Emergency Services.
What are our typical projects?
Custom residences, additions, accessory dwelling units, affordable/multi-family housing, corporate headquarters, commercial, industrial and institutional facilities; academic campus and military base master planning. Wood-frame, concrete block, reinforced concrete, steel frame structures. Land planning, roads, bridges, retaining walls, grading and drainage, site utilities.
What is our objective?
To connect with clients, design professionals, consultants and builders as needed to provide complete, coordinated project design team services.
Who are our clients?
Individuals, couples, representatives of corporate business and industry, non-profit organizations, and/or government agencies contemplating an improvement project.
Why hire us?
Our skill set and depth of experience are suited to a variety of projects. Our organization is compact, efficient, responsive, flexible, and personal. Our collaborative approach allows project design team participants to pool their talents and technical knowledge to produce high quality end results.